Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Why Junkets?
When John Keats was 20 years old, he submitted his first-published poem to Leigh Hunt's magazine The Examiner. He signed it 'J.K.' When Leigh Hunt met him. he asked him his name. Keats gave it. But, while he was born and bred in the East End of London, he had acquired his father's West Country accent. So, Leigh Hunt heard him and replied: 'So, Jun-Kets, you say? Well then, Junkets it will be!' After that, Keats signed his letters to Leigh Hunt:

This is the logo of Junkets Publisher:
*By permission of the British Library (Ashley 4869 f.2)
You can also view information on Junkets Publisher on the South African Small Publishers Blog.
Also see The Playscript Series at http://playscriptseries.blogspot.com/
and The Collected Series at http://collectedseries.blogspot.com/
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Teen novel
Charmaine Kendal
Back-cover Blurb:
Cathryn knew she
was different, that she was
being asked to play a part that wasn’t written for her: she was miscast. In a
brave bold move, she tells first her teacher and then her mother that she is
now Caleb. That is the start of an extraordinary adventure for this transboy.
Cover illustrations by
The Trantraal Brothers
Cover design by Marius Roux
Selling Points
§ The theme of gayness has rarely been the subject of teen
fiction in South Africa. Significant predecessors have been the work of Barry
Hough in Afrikaans, and Robin Malan in The
Sound of New Wings, My ‘Funny’
Brother, and in several of the
novels in the Siyagruva Series, of which he was the Series Editor.
§ But, to our knowledge, this is first time that
transsexuality has been handled in a teen novel.
§ In a bold adventure, the author has traced the story of
a young teenaged girl who has always felt that she was in the wrong body –
‘miscast’ – and how she journeys to her real identity as a transboy.
About the author
Charmaine Kendal
has been an English teacher for over thirty years
and has written a musical, plays and poetry for her students. She has also
been involved in the writing of English textbooks. In 2014 her drama Doorways
won the Maskew Miller Longman Literature Competition (English
category). Miscast is her first novel.
‘My writing is drawn from the experiences and
lives of the young people I have taught. I would like to thank all of them
for sharing their lives with me.’ – Charmaine
Publication date
25 February 2015
Price R 210.00
ISBN 978-0-9922154-8-4
Paperback perfect bound
130 x 197 mm
154 pages
Age Range: Teens, Young
Adults & Adults
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Teen novel
Robin Malan
Cover illustrations by
The Trantraal Brothers
Cover design by Marius Roux
What’s it like when people at school start saying things about your brother? What do they mean when they say he’s a bit ‘funny’?
But Missy knows better. She knows her brother’s funny – she laughs at him all the time – and she doesn’t care if other people say he’s a bit ‘funny’.
And then something happens that isn’t funny at all …
This teen novel deals unselfconsciously with a young girl’s experience of having a brother she adores who happens to be gay.
As well as the joys of having such a brother, she is made to experience cruel homophobia.
The theme of gayness has rarely been the subject of teen fiction in South Africa. Significant predecessors have been the work of Barry Hough in Afrikaans, and Robin Malan himself in The Sound of New Wings and in several of the novels in the Siyagruva Series, of which he was the Series Editor.
About the author …
Robin Malan has written a number of novels for young people, including Rebel Angel, The Story of Lucky Simelane, and The Sound of New Wings. He was the Series Editor of The Siyagruva Series of novels for teens. Since 1967 he has edited 21 editions of English Alive. In 2000 he was awarded the Molteno Gold Medal for services to literature by the Cape 300 Foundation. In 2005 he founded Junkets Publisher.
Email info.junkets@iafrica.com for an order form.
Publication date
1 December 2012
Price R210.00
ISBN 978-0-9870182-9-8
Paperback perfect bound
130 x 197 mm
168 pages
Age Range:
Teens, Young Adults & Adults
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Adam & Luke
two novellasby Peter Krummeck
“Peter Krummeck has established a reputation for creating humane yet humorous characters. His acclaimed nativity play Lodestar featured ‘Three not-so Wise Men’. In The Passion he controversially turned Judas from the archetypal villain into a youthfully misguided Zealot one could understand. And like!
As did iVirgin Boy, his exposé of the HIV/Aids pandemic, these novellas are likely to ruffle a few feathers because they explore the wider spectrum of our God-given sexuality. Having mentored Peter on occasion over thirty years, I suggest that his gainsayers respect the integrity that undergirds his writing. It is especially evident in his one-man play Bonhoeffer which commemorated the First Anniversary of 9/11 in Washington DC.
Peter writes of hatred and ugliness with a gentler memory than most and his progress from playwriting to prose seems a logical development that will reach a wider audience yet.
I once said that Peter’s work with young people made it possible for South Africa to export that rarest of commodities: peace. I wish to endorse his work against sexual discrimination in a similar way.”
– Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
This contains two novellas: Adam van Eden and According to Luke
ISBN 978-0-9870182-5-0 210 pages 210 x 137 mm
First published 2012. Second edition 2012.
Price R250.00
Order by email from info.junkets@iafrica.com
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Text by Robin Malan drawings by Roberto Millan
64 pages
Publication date: 14 May 2011
R90.00 per copy
email info.junkets@iafrica.com
'Clear, clever, funny, sexy and so so so needed.' - Pieter-Dirk Uys
This guide puts young gay guys in the picture about what to do and how to do it in order to enjoy good, safer gay sex.
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Saturday, 9 January 2010
Yes, I am!
writing by South African gay men q
compiled by Robin Malan and Ashraf Johaardien
First Edition First Impression 29 April 2010
First Edition Second Impression: 23 June 2010
TO ORDER: email info.junkets@iafrica.com
Taking its cue from ‘the first time’, this is a collage of what it’s
like to be South African, and male, and gay.
The experiences of some forty writers come together, in
stories, poems, letters, diary-entries, SMSes and emails …
Among the stories they tell are of first love in the face of
colour legislation that outlaws it, love that blossoms despite
religious injunctions against it, a chance finding of a condom
in the jacket pocket of a life partner, the sheer fun of being
young and gay in an early-morning that makes Cape Town
look gorgeous …
Brushing shoulders with a swathe of new and emerging
writers are two actor Knights (Sir Antony Sher and Sir Nigel
Hawthorne), two winners of the Alan Paton Non-Fiction
Award (Edwin Cameron and Jonny Steinberg), the
Dean of Cape Town Rowan Q Smith, novelists Damon
Galgut, André Carl van der Merwe, Gerald Kraak and
K Sello Duiker, legendary TAC activist Zackie Achmat,
theatre director David Lan, literary agent Tony Peake,
playwrights Peter Krummeck, Nicholas Spagnoletti and
Pieter Jacobs, arts journalist Shaun de Waal, imam Muhsin
Hendricks, defrocked and then reinstated DRC minister
Laurie Gaum, Delmas Treason Trialist Simon Nkoli, actor
Blaise Koch … and the alter-ego of that phantom
ex-Ambassadress Evita Bezuidenhout, Pieter-Dirk Uys.
Among the newer voices are Fabian Ah-Sing, Shaundré
Balie, Fourie Botha, Alisdair Campbell, Kyle Carson, Steve
Colborne, Peter Damm, Roger Diamond, Pieter Fourie,
Imraan Jaffer, Twanji Kalula, Kai Lossgott, Drummond
Marais, Mothusi Mathibe, Andy Mullins, Marius Roux,
Tshetlo Selebalo, Werner Ungerer, D Watson,
and Rahiem Whisgary.
Contents Foreword: Edwin Cameron
Ashraf Johaardien: Queer theory
Coming out Peter Damm: Coming out – onstage
Peter Krummeck: Nineteen Sixty-Seven
Andy Mullins: Andy’s SMS
Antony Sher: I will tell her today
Pieter Jacobs: Zam-Buk boy
Drummond Marais: Coming out to my wife
Pieter Fourie: Second coming (out)
Roger Diamond: Friday Trivia: a corporate coming-out
Imraan Jaffer: Imraan’s email story
Nigel Hawthorne: We were ‘outed’ just before the Oscars
Facebook Group: When did you first come out?
Finding out & speaking out Marius Roux: Jacobsdal
Shaun de Waal: Justin shares his problem
Zackie Achmat: A boy grows up in Salt River
Robin Malan: Sweet is the night air
Tshetlo Selebalo: The first time I touched another man
Fourie Botha: My first Barbie
D Watson: The first time I went to watch a gay movie
André Carl van der Merwe: Weekend pass
Twanji Kalula: It’s none of your business
Shaundré Balie: Well I never!
An inspired youngsta: Untitled
Antony Sher: Gay Sweatshop’s first season
Edwin Cameron: ‘An openly gay man’
Muhsin Hendricks: A letter by way of explanation
Rowan Q Smith: ‘Who told you so?’
Laurie Gaum: Gay in the image of God
Zackie Achmat: Danny and Ida and Mr Jordan
Tony Peake: History lesson
Antony Sher: Bill Clinton might disagree
Pieter-Dirk Uys: Fun and fear in 1966
Tshetlo Selebalo: The first time I told my boss that I love him
Damon Galgut: Lappies
Kai Lossgott: The secret body of Barry B Jones
K Sello Duiker: First night at work
Blaise Koch: Nameless
Gerald Kraak: Matt’s first leather bar
Werner Ungerer: The morning after
Steve Colborne: Still here
André Carl van der Merwe: Moffie
Jonny Steinberg: My first HIV test
Rahiem Whisgary: Aadil
Nigel Hawthorne: Some day I would find someone
Fabian Ah-Sing: First love
Nicholas Spagnoletti: Alan and Zahir
André Carl van der Merwe: Me and Ethan
Simon Nkoli: Letters from prison
Shaun de Waal: Could it mean …?
Kyle Carson: Delusion
David Lan: Ten thousand Indians
Mothusi Mathibe: The first time I discovered that ‘he is not that into me’
Alisdair Campbell: ‘Passion chokes the flower till she cries no more’
Publication date: 29 April 2010
ISBN 978-0-520-45828-3
Soft cover perfect bound 176 pages 137 x 210 mm
Retail price R250.00
TO ORDER: email info.junkets@iafrica.com
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Sunday, 21 January 2007
Saturday, 20 January 2007
Why the title Rebel Angel?
Here, in his own handwriting, is what John Keats wrote to a friend:

I feel confident I should have been a rebel Angel had the opportunity been mine.
Because of his poor birth and upbringing and his lack of a university education, he was never accepted by the literary Establishment, and his politics were distinctly left of centre, so his claim to Haydon is not without substance.
" ... striking narrative manner and unembellished style ... attractive and reader-friendly packaging ..."
I feel confident I should have been a rebel Angel had the opportunity been mine.
Because of his poor birth and upbringing and his lack of a university education, he was never accepted by the literary Establishment, and his politics were distinctly left of centre, so his claim to Haydon is not without substance.
" ... striking narrative manner and unembellished style ... attractive and reader-friendly packaging ..."
– Marina le Roux in Die Burger 17 October 2005 (translated from Afrikaans)
Friday, 19 January 2007
The images on the Rebel Angel cover
On both front and back covers, images of John Keats's life-mask are used:

This is the Keats life-mask
on the wall of my study
Sometimes the whole mask is used (as on the back cover), and sometimes only a detail (as in two of the four front-cover images). Permission and a licence to use photographs of the life mask had to be obtained from the British National Portrait Gallery.
This is the Keats life-mask
on the wall of my study
Sometimes the whole mask is used (as on the back cover), and sometimes only a detail (as in two of the four front-cover images). Permission and a licence to use photographs of the life mask had to be obtained from the British National Portrait Gallery.
"... intriguing, informative biography of John Keats which serves as a lively introduction to some of his poetry and how it came to be written ..."
– Jay Heale in SA Children’s Book Forum Newsletter July 2005
Thursday, 18 January 2007
The first words of the novel
‘Not intend to be a surgeon! After six years of training? Well, what do you intend to be?’
Mr Abbey was so angry he was spluttering. He looked down at the young man in front of him. John had thought long and hard about this moment. He had waited until he turned twenty-one, knowing that now his guardian couldn’t force him to do what he didn’t want to. He steeled himself, and then looked up at the taller man, and said:
‘I want … I’m going to be a poet, sir.’
That was more than Abbey could take. His eyes widened in outraged astonishment.
‘Are you mad, John? Or just a fool? That’s absurd.’
‘I’m sorry, sir,’ said John very quietly, ‘but my mind’s made up. I’m good, sir, better than most. And I’m sure I can earn a living by writing.’
Abbey looked at him as if he were some newly discovered and particularly unpleasant species, and, with an upward sneer of his lip, he said:
‘Well, all I’ve got to say, boy, is that you’re being … silly. I’ll tell you one thing. It won’t be long before you’re forced to give up this selfish notion.’
‘I don’t think so, sir.’ How dare he call me ‘boy’? What’s the point of turning twenty-one if he’s still going to think of me as a ‘boy’?
Mr Abbey was so angry he was spluttering. He looked down at the young man in front of him. John had thought long and hard about this moment. He had waited until he turned twenty-one, knowing that now his guardian couldn’t force him to do what he didn’t want to. He steeled himself, and then looked up at the taller man, and said:
‘I want … I’m going to be a poet, sir.’
That was more than Abbey could take. His eyes widened in outraged astonishment.
‘Are you mad, John? Or just a fool? That’s absurd.’
‘I’m sorry, sir,’ said John very quietly, ‘but my mind’s made up. I’m good, sir, better than most. And I’m sure I can earn a living by writing.’
Abbey looked at him as if he were some newly discovered and particularly unpleasant species, and, with an upward sneer of his lip, he said:
‘Well, all I’ve got to say, boy, is that you’re being … silly. I’ll tell you one thing. It won’t be long before you’re forced to give up this selfish notion.’
‘I don’t think so, sir.’ How dare he call me ‘boy’? What’s the point of turning twenty-one if he’s still going to think of me as a ‘boy’?
" Robin Malan’s beautifully presented Rebel Angel is a tender, humorous and informative account of the life of John Keats ... this high-quality publication ... "
– Michelle McGrane online at LitNet 1 June 2005
Wednesday, 17 January 2007
Rebel Angel at Keats House
Towards the end of his short life (he died at the age of 25), Keats shared half of Wentworth Place with his friend Charles Brown. For some time, his beloved Fanny Brawne, the love of his life, and her mother, sister and brother lived in the other half of the house.
The house is now the Keats House, in Keats Grove, in Hampstead. It is a wonderful museum of things Keatsian.

On the shelves of its merchandise shop, you will find copies of Rebel Angel, on sale at £9.99.
If you're there, be sure to buy a copy.
The house is now the Keats House, in Keats Grove, in Hampstead. It is a wonderful museum of things Keatsian.

On the shelves of its merchandise shop, you will find copies of Rebel Angel, on sale at £9.99.
If you're there, be sure to buy a copy.
" The academic background to the book is unsurpassed ... the life and death of a tragic genius, vividly portrayed in this work. "
– Michael Hurry in The Sunday Independent 22 May 2005
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
Why a book on Keats in 2005?
" We read every day, and we hear on radio every day, about some youngster totally overcoming the most severe drawbacks and achieving wonders. I think Keats’s story is one of those, and I want young South Africans to read about him and feel ‘Hey, I could do that!’ As like as not, they, like him, will go out and do it. And I want them to know that you can achieve in whatever area you choose to ... like, you can be a poet! "
– Robin Malan
– Robin Malan
John Keats,
Rebel Angel
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